
  • The construction of rooms under RUSA would help us in provising classrooms. At present there is an acute lack of classrooms and many classes are taken by teachers in the open without classrooms. We have to suffer the heat and the cold in the open. At the same time the lack of board too makes it difficult for us to understand lectures. With the new classrooms available to us we would be given written instructions by teachers and it would make teaching more comprehensible to us. Four additional classrooms which are being constructed would help us greatly and benefit students in a great measure.
    Karnika MA (Pre)

  • We are all the students of Electronics Science department, KUK. As a student and research scholar of the department, we often need to work in the IC processing lab of the department. But due to lack of funds, our basic instruments and experiments awere suffering a lot. Two instruments viz. DI water plants and oxidation furnace are backbone of almost all the IC processing experiment and research work. No experiment can be started without DI water and furnace is used to anneal the samples at different temperatures. Both these instruments are extensively used by the students and researchers of the department. With the help of RUSA, the department could maintain these instruments and needful repair was done. It is because of this grant only that we could resument our experiments, otherwise a major portion of our lab would would be left unexplored and we would be wandering here and there for these facilities.
    Student Name: Ravi Verma, Research Fellow; Rajesh Kashyap, Research Fellow, Vineeta, MSc (Electronics), Lakshita Shekhawat (MSc Electronics)